Monday 15 September 2014

What to do when someone breaks in

It’s the middle of the night and you hear a strange noise, is it the cat next door or has an intruder broken into your home? What should you do, get out of bed and investigate? Or find a safe hiding spot? Here’s what you do if you are ever in this terrifying situation:

1.)    If you wake up to an unfamiliar noise or the burglar alarm going off, don’t just assume it is nothing and stay in bed, you need to take action immediately.

2.)    Get out of bed, lock your bedroom door and barricade it with something, don’t try to barricade the door with your body try use a chair or a heavy dresser.

3.)    Turn off all the lights in your room and phone the police as soon as possible, whisper quietly so the intruder doesn't hear you.

4.)    Find yourself a weapon, a cricket bat, or a golf club and if you have a firearm use it! Don’t be scared to protect yourself if it will save your life.

5.)    If you are confident enough scream and shout that you have called the police, this may scare away the burglar.

6.)    Make sure you have an escape route planned, open your window so that if the intruder breaks through your barricade you have a way out.

7.)    When the police arrive stay in your room until they have cleared the entire house and you are safe to come out.

8.)    If you are still a bit shaken up consider staying by a friend or inviting someone to stay with you for a few days.

Many break-ins can be avoided, majority of them happen through the front door so make sure you
have strong sturdy doors throughout your house, it is also a good idea to have a good security alarm
system and locks installed. Learn these useful tips so that in the event of a break-in and you can be
fully prepared to protect yourself and your family. 

Written By: Christine Romans

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