Tuesday 9 September 2014

Does your business need camera surveillance?

For years people have been using cameras to guard their homes and businesses, but is it a good idea for you to embrace camera surveillance and how will it affect your business?

Installing cameras in the workplace can help you to keep track of your employee’s behaviour, whether they are acting inappropriately or illegally, it is your responsibility as the business owner to monitor them.

Studies show that criminals are less likely to vandalise or burgle your property if they see security cameras, and if they do at least you have cameras to present evidence for insurance claims. You probably don’t want to think about your employees stealing from you, but it can happen in any business, whether it is simply taking money from the cash register or stealing company property, installing cameras can catch them red-handed.

There is a certain disadvantage about surveillance cameras in the workplace; they can create a feeling of distrust between the employer and the employee. In some scenarios it may affect your employees work performance and productivity, the ultimate result may be stifling your employees creativity and free thinking if they are aware they are being monitored all day.  

So is it really a good idea to install surveillance cameras in your business, on one hand it’s an excellent idea and can prevent crime, but employees need to be aware that they are trusted and still need to work productively.   

Written By: Christine Romans

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