Wednesday 3 September 2014

What should I do if I get robbed?

Burglary can happen to anyone and being robbed is a traumatic experience, it’s not great to know that your private space has been invaded by a complete stranger. It can help a great deal to know what to do ahead of time if you are ever in that situation.

The second you think you have been robbed, the first thing you should do is call the police! If you call the police immediately the burglar could still be nearby and there is more of a chance of you getting your stuff back. Remembering details about the person who broke in can help a lot too, that’s if you actually saw the intruder; try to recall information such as their age, clothing and race. Finally, don’t move anything in your home until the police arrive, they need to see exactly what they’re dealing with.

The next step to take is to find out where the burglar broke in; whether it is your door or window make sure it is locked and secured properly in case someone comes back again. A good idea would be to get a home security system installed, if a burglar sees a security camera or an alarm it can scare them off. Another important step is to inform your neighbours, they can keep an eye on your home when you are away and be aware that they might be targeted next, the more people aware that there has been a break in, the better.

It’s not fun to be a victim of a robbery and it can bring up a lot of emotions, it’s horrifying to know a stranger has intruded your personal space. The best thing to do if you ever find yourself in this situation is to take some time off, get everything sorted out and relax. 

Written By: Christine Romans

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