Wednesday 3 September 2014

Home Security & Safety Tips

Imagine if home alarm systems didn't exist? You would still need a way to ensure that your home and family are safe. If you want to be extra careful, even if you do have an alarm system, here are some security and safety tips to prevent burglary:

1)      Make sure that all your doors and windows are secure; your doors should have satisfactory locks and also a decent safety chain or latch. Your windows should also be fitted with safety locks or burglar bars.

2)      Install a safe in your home for weapons or valuables; you should also use the safe to lock away your spare keys.

3)      Consider getting lighting outside that is activated by a motion detector and controlled from inside your home; this can alert you when there is an intruder outside on your property. 

4)      Trim or cut away dense bushes or trees close to your front door and garage entrance, burglars can use these spots to hide away and attack you when you’re unaware.

5)      If you are at home alone you should never let a stranger into your house without proper identification, if a repair man or delivery person is expected make sure you check their identity properly before letting them in.

Even if you trust your home alarm system 100%, your safety and your family’s safety is important and you can never be too careful.

Written By: Christine Romans

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