Friday 26 September 2014

The guide of different burglar types

There is a wide variety of different burglars out there and you can’t protect yourself if you don’t know what to look for, this is a perfect guide to who’s who of the criminal world and how to stop them.

The Opportunist
Even if you leave something for just a minute these thieves will swoop in and swipe anything unattended!
Targets: Handbags, back pockets, poorly protected property
Tip: Try to display your security companies stickers and signs in your yard

The Distractors
These criminals always work in teams, one will distract you while the other sneaks in and steals whatever they can.
Targets: The elderly, anyone who lives alone
Tips: Always check the ID of someone from a company or organization.

The Carjacker
Cars have become more difficult to steal nowadays because of their security systems, criminals have now turned to carjacking.
Targets: Senior citizens, people parked in isolated areas
Tips: Always park in a well-lit area and be aware of your surroundings.  

The Identity Thief
These thieves can hang around on the internet and steal your money when you least expect it, they often pretend to be a trustworthy company like your bank.
Targets: People who overshare on social media, Cellphone users
Tips: Make sure you anti-virus and ant-spyware software are always up to date.

The Professional Burglar
A burglar that knows exactly what he’s doing can be in and out of your home in under ten minutes, they have special methods that they know will work majority of the time.
Targets: Homes with poor security methods, vacated homes
Tips: If you’re going out of town ask a neighbor to pick up your mail and keep an eye on your house.

The Actor
Often these criminals pose as door-to-door salesmen or workers and they’ll trick you into getting inside your home.
Targets: The elderly, people who are too trusting
Tips: Stop and think, are you expecting anyone to come to your home?

The Co-Worker
Have you ever made yourself a mouth-watering lunch, left it in the fridge at work and then discovered it’s been eaten by a co-worker?
Targets: Anyone who brings their own lunch
Tips: Hide your meal inside an expired food box, no one will ever realise your lunch is there.

The Younger Sibling
If you ever notice some of your clothes or other items are mysteriously going missing make sure to check in your siblings bedroom, you may find a hidden stash.
Targets: Money, CD's, clothes
Tips: If it gets that serious lock your bedroom or place a “Keep Out” sign on your door.

The burglars around us may not be aware of their actions, but we need to be vigilant and be informed about how to avoid criminals and protect ourselves, our family and our belongings.

To ensure absolute safety, contact SIS –Security Investigation Services, the professional, reliable company that protects South African business and homes.

Written By: Christine Romans

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