Friday 19 September 2014

Baboon burglars of South Africa

All home burglaries have one thing in common; they’re all committed by human thieves, but not in South Africa. Over the past few years baboons have been ransacking homes and apartments in South Africa, there seems to be a constant street battle going on between humans and baboons.

Usually these crafty primates are just looking for some food to steal, maybe a jar of peanut butter, vegetables or basically anything they can find! On the other hand curiosity can get the better of them at times and a flapping curtain or a children’s toy can add some entertainment for them.

In May last year, in the tourist town of Betty’s Bay, a large group of baboons climbed through the window of someone’s house and began their search for food, they went to town and ripped apart the entire kitchen. A group of people managed to get inside the house and tried to drive the baboons out, but the leader of the pack was in no hurry to abandon his quest, authorities questioned why the group of hoodlums was acting in this particular way.

In Cape Town, baboons terrorizing humans is a regular occurrence, they often attack apartment blocks, prying open any window available and stealing any food they can get their hands on. Not so far away in Main Street, a safari company left a window open when they went away for a weekend and returned to find a group of baboons had completely raided the kitchen. The fridge and the rubbish bins were the main target, everything from bread, cheese, pasta, corn, carrots and tuna was opened and eaten by the thieving bunch.

For years baboons and humans have interacted in South Africa, but it seems people don’t understand their attitude has affected the situation lately. Those who use pepper spray and paintball guns to protect their possessions don’t really seem to be resolving any problems as the baboons just return again for their usual shenanigans.

Do you want to make sure your home and property is protected the right way? Contact the guys at SIS – Security Investigation Services; they pride themselves in protecting South Africa’s homes and businesses.

Written By: Christine Romans

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