Wednesday 3 September 2014

The Pros & Cons of Having an Electric Fence

The main purpose of having an electric fence is protection, it is made specifically to protect your property and keep out unwanted visitors, but sometimes it can be really dangerous for children or pets.  

The one major disadvantage about having an electric fence is that it could be a hazard; small children or pets may not understand the danger of touching or climbing on the fence and this could lead to them injuring themselves quite badly. If you do have children or a pet you need to train them fully and make sure they know the dangers. Another disadvantage is the risk of starting a fire, if your electric fence is close to bushes or trees make sure to trim them back and clear the area completely.

Compared to the disadvantages there are quite a few advantages about having an electric fence. It proves to be extremely effective in keeping out people who want to burgle, vandalize or trespass on your property – no one wants to get an electric high voltage shock! If an intruder does come into contact with the fence it will set off an alarm that can be sent to the security company monitoring the system. Electric fences are also relatively cheap, easy to construct and they require minimal maintenance.

It is important to study the advantages and disadvantages thoroughly before deciding if you want an electric fence or not, it can be a real shock(pun intended) if you make the wrong decision. 

Written By: Christine Romans

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