Tuesday 30 September 2014

How to keep your home secure while you’re on holiday

Schools nearly out and our fun-loving third semester break is just waiting to be enjoyed!Maybe you’re going away with the whole family abroad or taking a trip out of town with some close friends, but don’t forget your home security while you are on holiday.

Nothing can ruin your holiday faster than finding out something has happened to your home while you are away; knowing that your home is safe and sound is an important part of enjoying your trip. These tips will keep your home safe and protected from burglars, fire or other threats when you’re not at home.

v  Always be sure to lock all your windows and doors
v  Use good lighting around pathways and doors
v  Don’t announce your holiday plans all over Facebook, Twitter or other social media
v  Leave your spare key with a neighbour or relative; don’t hide them in obvious places outside your house.
v  Make arrangements for someone to look after your pets
v  Close your blinds and curtains, so that people can’t see tempting valuables inside your house
v  Disconnect all your appliances to minimise the chance of a fire like; lamps, TVs, etc.
v  Ask one of your neighbours to collect your post, a pile of mail in your post box can make it obvious that there is no one home.
v  Leave an emergency contact number with a neighbor, family member or a friend
v  Secure all ladders, axes or hammers that could help thieves break into your home
v  If you are away for long get someone to mow your lawn and maintain your garden for you
v  Install a light on a timer switch and set it to come on in the evenings, this will make it appear as if someone is home
v  The best possible option is to install a home security system; they will be working to keep your home safe whether you are asleep, away or on a long holiday.

Your upcoming holiday should be about rest, recharging and having a good time with your family and friends, not creating headaches! Even if your prep list is a bit long, taking the time to go through these extra steps will make sure your house is safe and secure.

For complete peace of mind, the professionals at SIS –Security Investigation Services can protect your home or business while you are away on vacation. They offer many different services, such as; guarding, technical services and security services. 

Written By: Christine Romans

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