Tuesday 16 September 2014

Home security tips for mom’s on-the-go

As a busy mom, it’s natural for you to worry about what happens at home especially if you are away at work most of the day. If you choose to go all out and install security cameras in your house, you can have peace of mind knowing you can watch what activities go on in your home, perhaps a babysitter you don’t really trust yet, but cameras can be expensive, here are some more practical ways to make sure your home is safe.

  Ø  Avoid posting your location, agenda or work schedule on Facebook, Twitter or other social media. You may not realise, but someone could be keeping an eye on you and knowing your whereabouts can be so tempting for intruders.

  Ø  Invest in good lighting outdoors; dark corners around your house can be perfect places for burglars to hide.

  Ø  Remember to lock all you windows and doors, sometimes when you’re busy and in a rush you may take locking all your doors for granted, even better install double locks which make it even harder for intruders.

  Ø  Trim bushes or trees around your house, they may look nice but burglars use them as hiding spots. Otherwise just replace them with plants that do not grow too thick.

  Ø  It’s a dead give-away to hide you keys in obvious places, like in a pot plant or under your doormat, make sure to hide them in a place only you know.

Use these basic tips to keep your home a safe place when you are away, or have to leave your kids alone or with other people, you never know what could happen on your property when you have to go to work for majority of the day.

Written By: Christine Romans 

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