Tuesday 30 September 2014

How to keep your home secure while you’re on holiday

Schools nearly out and our fun-loving third semester break is just waiting to be enjoyed!Maybe you’re going away with the whole family abroad or taking a trip out of town with some close friends, but don’t forget your home security while you are on holiday.

Nothing can ruin your holiday faster than finding out something has happened to your home while you are away; knowing that your home is safe and sound is an important part of enjoying your trip. These tips will keep your home safe and protected from burglars, fire or other threats when you’re not at home.

v  Always be sure to lock all your windows and doors
v  Use good lighting around pathways and doors
v  Don’t announce your holiday plans all over Facebook, Twitter or other social media
v  Leave your spare key with a neighbour or relative; don’t hide them in obvious places outside your house.
v  Make arrangements for someone to look after your pets
v  Close your blinds and curtains, so that people can’t see tempting valuables inside your house
v  Disconnect all your appliances to minimise the chance of a fire like; lamps, TVs, etc.
v  Ask one of your neighbours to collect your post, a pile of mail in your post box can make it obvious that there is no one home.
v  Leave an emergency contact number with a neighbor, family member or a friend
v  Secure all ladders, axes or hammers that could help thieves break into your home
v  If you are away for long get someone to mow your lawn and maintain your garden for you
v  Install a light on a timer switch and set it to come on in the evenings, this will make it appear as if someone is home
v  The best possible option is to install a home security system; they will be working to keep your home safe whether you are asleep, away or on a long holiday.

Your upcoming holiday should be about rest, recharging and having a good time with your family and friends, not creating headaches! Even if your prep list is a bit long, taking the time to go through these extra steps will make sure your house is safe and secure.

For complete peace of mind, the professionals at SIS –Security Investigation Services can protect your home or business while you are away on vacation. They offer many different services, such as; guarding, technical services and security services. 

Written By: Christine Romans

Monday 29 September 2014

Hidden dangers in your home

You wouldn't think that your home could actually be very dangerous, as a person you do the best to always ensure your family and your home is safe and secure, but there are some dangers that lurk where you cannot see them! To keep your loved ones safe you need to learn the top hazards that could be in your home and how to prevent them.

Mold can be anywhere in your home, especially in rooms that have a lot of moisture like you bathroom, basement or cupboards, if any of these places have a musty odor there could be mold present. Mold can cause sinus and nasal congestion and even asthma attacks, in order to prevent mold you need to check your plumbing for any leaks, keep all your rooms well ventilated or install an oscillating fan in your bathroom.


Carbon monoxide is an odorless and colourless gas that can kill you and you may not even realise it is in your home! This killer gas often comes from fire places, wood stoves, furnaces, gas water heaters, tobacco smoke and exhaust fumes. The solution to this problem is to install a carbon monoxide detector, make sure you get it installed by a professional and test it regularly.

Pests like termites, ants or bees can hide deep inside your homes walls where you cannot see them and they can be living in your home for months without you even noticing them! You might notice some signs that these pests are in your home; swelling, rotting wood or dirt piled up near a wall or on the floor. If you suspect that your home might have pests call a qualified inspector immediately and he will kill and maintain your property to make sure they never return again.   

Fire can spread incredibly fast, leaving no time to grab your valuables or even make a phone call, fires can be caused by simple household items like your stove, fireplace, electrical cords that are worn out, overloaded power strips and space heaters. Here are some tips to make sure you and your loved ones are safe from fire: Install fire/smoke detectors, keep a fire extinguisher in your house and regularly check and inspect the items in your home that could cause a fire.

Check for these hidden dangers lurking in your home and use the preventative measures to make sure your home is a safer, healthier and happier place for yourself and your family.

If you ever need a professional security service, contact SIS – Security Investigation Services and they will make sure your home or business is a safe, secure place! Some of their services include; guarding, technical services and security services. 

Written By: Christine Romans 

Friday 26 September 2014

The guide of different burglar types

There is a wide variety of different burglars out there and you can’t protect yourself if you don’t know what to look for, this is a perfect guide to who’s who of the criminal world and how to stop them.

The Opportunist
Even if you leave something for just a minute these thieves will swoop in and swipe anything unattended!
Targets: Handbags, back pockets, poorly protected property
Tip: Try to display your security companies stickers and signs in your yard

The Distractors
These criminals always work in teams, one will distract you while the other sneaks in and steals whatever they can.
Targets: The elderly, anyone who lives alone
Tips: Always check the ID of someone from a company or organization.

The Carjacker
Cars have become more difficult to steal nowadays because of their security systems, criminals have now turned to carjacking.
Targets: Senior citizens, people parked in isolated areas
Tips: Always park in a well-lit area and be aware of your surroundings.  

The Identity Thief
These thieves can hang around on the internet and steal your money when you least expect it, they often pretend to be a trustworthy company like your bank.
Targets: People who overshare on social media, Cellphone users
Tips: Make sure you anti-virus and ant-spyware software are always up to date.

The Professional Burglar
A burglar that knows exactly what he’s doing can be in and out of your home in under ten minutes, they have special methods that they know will work majority of the time.
Targets: Homes with poor security methods, vacated homes
Tips: If you’re going out of town ask a neighbor to pick up your mail and keep an eye on your house.

The Actor
Often these criminals pose as door-to-door salesmen or workers and they’ll trick you into getting inside your home.
Targets: The elderly, people who are too trusting
Tips: Stop and think, are you expecting anyone to come to your home?

The Co-Worker
Have you ever made yourself a mouth-watering lunch, left it in the fridge at work and then discovered it’s been eaten by a co-worker?
Targets: Anyone who brings their own lunch
Tips: Hide your meal inside an expired food box, no one will ever realise your lunch is there.

The Younger Sibling
If you ever notice some of your clothes or other items are mysteriously going missing make sure to check in your siblings bedroom, you may find a hidden stash.
Targets: Money, CD's, clothes
Tips: If it gets that serious lock your bedroom or place a “Keep Out” sign on your door.

The burglars around us may not be aware of their actions, but we need to be vigilant and be informed about how to avoid criminals and protect ourselves, our family and our belongings.

To ensure absolute safety, contact SIS –Security Investigation Services, the professional, reliable company that protects South African business and homes.

Written By: Christine Romans

Thursday 25 September 2014

Being a farmer in SA is one of the most dangerous jobs on the planet

Every week a farmer is killed in South Africa, this number is twice as high as the number of police officers killed and so basically being a South African farmer is twice as dangerous as being a police officer!  

In the USA you have the highest odds to die from a heart disease, in South Africa if you are a farmer you have the highest chances in the world to be murdered, but is there a political and racial plot behind these violent farm attacks in South Africa? It is a question in South Africa that causes a lot of debates.

A common fact in South Africa is that most of these horribly violent farm attacks are committed just for a small amount of money and possessions of little value, farmers are getting angrier and angrier because they feel targeted and the police and government aren't making these crimes a priority. A few years ago a study was conducted to look closely at the motives of these farm attacks:
- Robbery                          89.3%
- Intimidation                     7.1%
- Political/Racial                2.0%
- Labour-related issues     1.6%

In June 2011, a South African farmer was killed in an attack just 12 hours after himself and his family moved in! But his wife and daughters survived.  The couple were asleep in their home in Muldersdrift (near Johannesburg) when they woke up at 3:50am to discover two men standing over their bed, they then shot and killed Mr. Pistorious and then shot his wife in the stomach. The robbers stole only a cellphone and a torch.

The crimes committed against those working and living on a farm are extremely serious, the farms are often in a very remote area, there are no close neighbours and because of this the response times from the police and security companies is always very slow, farmers are overall a very vulnerable group!

Maybe the government needs to see how urgent and serious these crimes are against the farming community, they are special problems in need of a special solution.

Are you in need of special farm protection or do you know someone who does? Contact the guys at SIS – Security Investigation Services they can help you out not only with farm protection, but also guarding, security and technical services.  

Written By: Christine Romans

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Top items stolen during a home burglary

Every year burglaries amount to billions of Rands of damage and loss of belongings, you need to be able to protect yourself against crime not only to protect your money and property but also to get rid of stress and anxiety.

On average a home burglary will last about 10 minutes, but burglars are quick so they can do a lot in a short amount of time. Knowing what the burglars are after is the first step to preventing a break-in, here are the top 5 items stolen during a home burglary.

      1.  Money
It’s probably not a surprise that the first thing a burglar would steal is money, it can be used immediately and it’s hard to trace. If you keep a lot of money at home and you want to prevent it being stolen hide it in a strong, secure safe or somewhere a burglar would never look.

      2.   Electronics & Gadgets
Most of us often leave our smart phones, tablets, laptops and other easily stolen electronics lying around the house, this makes them an easy target for burglars. if you tend to leave your stuff lying around, stop and make it a habit to put them inside a drawer or cupboard when you leave the house.
      3.  Jewelry
Jewelry and gold is the easiest thing to pawn off for cash, a burglar will heads straight to your bedrooms and search through drawers to find valuable, hidden pieces. If you have a lot of expensive jewelry in your home consider hiding it away or keeping it in a safe.
      4.  Firearms
Most burglars love stealing firearms and if they have a tendency for violence, a burglar could easily use your weapon when committing a crime! For your safety, always keep your weapon (unloaded) in a gun safe or a lock box; if it ever goes missing make sure to contact the police immediately.

      5.  Drugs
Whether prescription or illegal, burglars are known to seek out drugs, if they find some drugs worth stealing they will sell, trade or use them themselves. The bathroom medicine cabinet is the first place an intruder will look for drugs so hide them away in an unusual place, on the other hand burglars may target houses of other criminals because they know they store illegal drugs in their home.

When you try to make your home safer for yourself and your family make sure to remember these items and try keeping them as hidden as possible. In addition to taking basic safety precautions you should think about getting a home security plan with a professional security company like SIS – Security Investigation Services, they make it their job to protect you, your family and your home.

      Written By: Christine Romans

Monday 22 September 2014

“Urban crime legend” – Marking of homes by attackers

You live in South Africa, if you didn't know before you should know now that the crime rate is very high and some of us still believe that criminals cannot be incredibly creative and tactile. What was once called an “urban crime legend” is now proving to be cold, hard fact.

The “legend” is the marking of homes of victims by the attackers; the attackers use this to give information about the people living inside the home and the home securities that they have. There are a variety of different markings that the attackers leave in front of your home to send messages, some include:     
                    - Cans
                    - Empty bottles
                    - Leaves with markings
                    - Piles of stones
                    - Plastic packets
                    - Shoe soles
                    - Paint marks

Often these markings are not noticeable and may not seem suspicious at all, you need to make sure you, your family and your friends are informed properly about safety, especially in a country where there is a lot of crime.

Keep in mind that not all litter in front of your home means you have been marked, the wind could have blown some rubbish onto your lawn or someone could've just left an empty bottle lying around. If you ever find any of these markings in front of your home first think about your neighbor break-in and crime history, but even if it’s just litter it’s always safer to just pick it up! Here are some of the crime codes in the UK: 

Most of us South Africans believe that owning a dog will protect you and your home, they are wrong! Criminals can easily lace meat with a poison like rat poison or insecticides, feed it to your dog and then wait for your pet to become sick, allowing them to attack your home.

In South Africa you cannot rely on the poor man’s alarm system(a dog) to protect yourself, your family and your home, you need to keep your eyes open for markings remove them immediately, throw them away and then notify your neighbours. 

Get in touch with SIS - Security Investigation services if you want to ensure you and your belongings are safe the right way, they offer guarding, farm protection and technical and security services.

Written By: Christine Romans 

Friday 19 September 2014

Baboon burglars of South Africa

All home burglaries have one thing in common; they’re all committed by human thieves, but not in South Africa. Over the past few years baboons have been ransacking homes and apartments in South Africa, there seems to be a constant street battle going on between humans and baboons.

Usually these crafty primates are just looking for some food to steal, maybe a jar of peanut butter, vegetables or basically anything they can find! On the other hand curiosity can get the better of them at times and a flapping curtain or a children’s toy can add some entertainment for them.

In May last year, in the tourist town of Betty’s Bay, a large group of baboons climbed through the window of someone’s house and began their search for food, they went to town and ripped apart the entire kitchen. A group of people managed to get inside the house and tried to drive the baboons out, but the leader of the pack was in no hurry to abandon his quest, authorities questioned why the group of hoodlums was acting in this particular way.

In Cape Town, baboons terrorizing humans is a regular occurrence, they often attack apartment blocks, prying open any window available and stealing any food they can get their hands on. Not so far away in Main Street, a safari company left a window open when they went away for a weekend and returned to find a group of baboons had completely raided the kitchen. The fridge and the rubbish bins were the main target, everything from bread, cheese, pasta, corn, carrots and tuna was opened and eaten by the thieving bunch.

For years baboons and humans have interacted in South Africa, but it seems people don’t understand their attitude has affected the situation lately. Those who use pepper spray and paintball guns to protect their possessions don’t really seem to be resolving any problems as the baboons just return again for their usual shenanigans.

Do you want to make sure your home and property is protected the right way? Contact the guys at SIS – Security Investigation Services; they pride themselves in protecting South Africa’s homes and businesses.

Written By: Christine Romans

Thursday 18 September 2014

Is DIY home security safe enough?

Protecting yourself and your family is one of the most important things these days, you need to have some means of security to know that there is safety at all times. When it comes to home security you have two options: either do it yourself and save a bit of money, which is great for some people or pay a monthly fee for a professional security company to monitor your home whether you are sleeping, on holiday or just out and about. Is DIY home security really safe enough though?

It’s quite easy to make your DIY security look like a professional security system, these days all you have to do is just head out to the nearest security store and you can find plenty gadgets to choose from; cameras, panic sirens, motion sensors, the list is endless. The main difference is basically the monthly fee if you choose to go DIY; you don’t have to worry about that! Not only that, but the products are made specifically for homeowners and are fairly easy to install.

There is one major downfall of DIY home security, there is no one monitoring your home 24/7. Imagine your security alarm goes off and you are out of town or at work across town and you can’t get to your home or call the police, your security system is then basically useless.

Most people have busy lives and they don’t have the time to constantly sit and monitor security cameras all day, plus you have to sleep at night and during that time the cameras go unsupervised. Night time is also the most common time for home burglaries and crimes to occur, if you had a professional security system someone would be constantly watching over your home.

Professional home security systems are also known to have an extremely fast reaction time, while you haven’t even gotten out of bed yet the police, fire department or any other emergency personnel have already been called and are on their way.

Of course your safety is important to you, than having a professional home security system is the way to go. You can have complete peace of mind knowing every day someone else is also looking out for you, your home and your family.

If you feel like having an extra pair of eyes and ears on your home is the way to go then steer towards a professionally installed and monitored security service like SIS – Security & Investigation Services, your safety is important to them and they believe in protecting South African businesses and homes.   

Written By: Christine Romans

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Home security tips for mom’s on-the-go

As a busy mom, it’s natural for you to worry about what happens at home especially if you are away at work most of the day. If you choose to go all out and install security cameras in your house, you can have peace of mind knowing you can watch what activities go on in your home, perhaps a babysitter you don’t really trust yet, but cameras can be expensive, here are some more practical ways to make sure your home is safe.

  Ø  Avoid posting your location, agenda or work schedule on Facebook, Twitter or other social media. You may not realise, but someone could be keeping an eye on you and knowing your whereabouts can be so tempting for intruders.

  Ø  Invest in good lighting outdoors; dark corners around your house can be perfect places for burglars to hide.

  Ø  Remember to lock all you windows and doors, sometimes when you’re busy and in a rush you may take locking all your doors for granted, even better install double locks which make it even harder for intruders.

  Ø  Trim bushes or trees around your house, they may look nice but burglars use them as hiding spots. Otherwise just replace them with plants that do not grow too thick.

  Ø  It’s a dead give-away to hide you keys in obvious places, like in a pot plant or under your doormat, make sure to hide them in a place only you know.

Use these basic tips to keep your home a safe place when you are away, or have to leave your kids alone or with other people, you never know what could happen on your property when you have to go to work for majority of the day.

Written By: Christine Romans 

Monday 15 September 2014

What to do when someone breaks in

It’s the middle of the night and you hear a strange noise, is it the cat next door or has an intruder broken into your home? What should you do, get out of bed and investigate? Or find a safe hiding spot? Here’s what you do if you are ever in this terrifying situation:

1.)    If you wake up to an unfamiliar noise or the burglar alarm going off, don’t just assume it is nothing and stay in bed, you need to take action immediately.

2.)    Get out of bed, lock your bedroom door and barricade it with something, don’t try to barricade the door with your body try use a chair or a heavy dresser.

3.)    Turn off all the lights in your room and phone the police as soon as possible, whisper quietly so the intruder doesn't hear you.

4.)    Find yourself a weapon, a cricket bat, or a golf club and if you have a firearm use it! Don’t be scared to protect yourself if it will save your life.

5.)    If you are confident enough scream and shout that you have called the police, this may scare away the burglar.

6.)    Make sure you have an escape route planned, open your window so that if the intruder breaks through your barricade you have a way out.

7.)    When the police arrive stay in your room until they have cleared the entire house and you are safe to come out.

8.)    If you are still a bit shaken up consider staying by a friend or inviting someone to stay with you for a few days.

Many break-ins can be avoided, majority of them happen through the front door so make sure you
have strong sturdy doors throughout your house, it is also a good idea to have a good security alarm
system and locks installed. Learn these useful tips so that in the event of a break-in and you can be
fully prepared to protect yourself and your family. 

Written By: Christine Romans

Friday 12 September 2014

Noke: The 21st century padlock

Do you remember the good ol’ padlock from back in the day; well it’s time for it to enter the 21st century! Have you ever locked your locker, bicycle or suitcase and only then realized you can’t finds your key? A new type of lock has been invented to solve your problems.

The “Noke” is a state-of-the-art Bluetooth padlock that allows you to unlock it in the easiest way possible – download the Noke iOS or Android app on your smartphone, Noke automatically finds and pairs with you device then simply press the shackle on the app! The amazing Noke will wake up, search for your phone or shared phone and unlock, it’s great because you don’t even have to start the app or take your phone out of your bag or pocket. Here are some of the Noke’s awesome features:

  • What if your phone dies midway through your gym session or you completely forget it at home? The Noke allows you to create your own unique custom access code with its Quick-Click technology.

  • The Noke is water resistant and made of hardened steel and boron, which means it can handle the harshest environments and the toughest thieves.

  • Don’t ever worry about the battery dying inconveniently; the Noke will notify you through the app long before the battery needs replacing. Not only that, but the Nokes battery should last you up to a year even if you use it regularly.   

Keys have had the same problem for centuries, we lose them, they get stolen and they’re not very easy to share with other people, with the Noke we can modernize the padlock and put those problem behind us.   

Written By: Christine Romans

Thursday 11 September 2014

Your fire escape plan

If your home was to catch fire, how would you and your family escape? Every home should have a fire escape plan, accidental house fires can happen to anyone, and every second counts, so you need to be prepared.
  • Gather your whole family together and work out a plan, walk through your home and note where all your doors and windows then draw a map of your house and mark your escape route.

  • Install smoke alarms on every level of your house and outside every sleeping area, make sure to test the batteries monthly and change them once a year. Having smoke alarms can save your life.

  • Practice escaping with your family, children need to know to keep low and crawl when there is a fire, also make sure they know the number for the fire department and other emergency numbers.

  • Consider buying escape ladders for sleeping areas if you have second or third floors, keep them close to the windows and learn how to use them properly.

  • Make sure to test that all windows and doors are easily opened and once you have escaped safely NEVER go back inside your home under any circumstances.

  • Remember to practice your fire escape plan twice every year, make the drill as realistic as possible.  

Without a fire escape plan you could place the lives of your family and yourself in serious danger, a fire can get completely out of control in less than 30 seconds and it only takes minutes for a house to become engulfed in flames so make sure you are ready for anything. 

Written By: Christine Romans

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Does your business need camera surveillance?

For years people have been using cameras to guard their homes and businesses, but is it a good idea for you to embrace camera surveillance and how will it affect your business?

Installing cameras in the workplace can help you to keep track of your employee’s behaviour, whether they are acting inappropriately or illegally, it is your responsibility as the business owner to monitor them.

Studies show that criminals are less likely to vandalise or burgle your property if they see security cameras, and if they do at least you have cameras to present evidence for insurance claims. You probably don’t want to think about your employees stealing from you, but it can happen in any business, whether it is simply taking money from the cash register or stealing company property, installing cameras can catch them red-handed.

There is a certain disadvantage about surveillance cameras in the workplace; they can create a feeling of distrust between the employer and the employee. In some scenarios it may affect your employees work performance and productivity, the ultimate result may be stifling your employees creativity and free thinking if they are aware they are being monitored all day.  

So is it really a good idea to install surveillance cameras in your business, on one hand it’s an excellent idea and can prevent crime, but employees need to be aware that they are trusted and still need to work productively.   

Written By: Christine Romans

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Home Security & Safety Tips

Imagine if home alarm systems didn't exist? You would still need a way to ensure that your home and family are safe. If you want to be extra careful, even if you do have an alarm system, here are some security and safety tips to prevent burglary:

1)      Make sure that all your doors and windows are secure; your doors should have satisfactory locks and also a decent safety chain or latch. Your windows should also be fitted with safety locks or burglar bars.

2)      Install a safe in your home for weapons or valuables; you should also use the safe to lock away your spare keys.

3)      Consider getting lighting outside that is activated by a motion detector and controlled from inside your home; this can alert you when there is an intruder outside on your property. 

4)      Trim or cut away dense bushes or trees close to your front door and garage entrance, burglars can use these spots to hide away and attack you when you’re unaware.

5)      If you are at home alone you should never let a stranger into your house without proper identification, if a repair man or delivery person is expected make sure you check their identity properly before letting them in.

Even if you trust your home alarm system 100%, your safety and your family’s safety is important and you can never be too careful.

Written By: Christine Romans

What should I do if I get robbed?

Burglary can happen to anyone and being robbed is a traumatic experience, it’s not great to know that your private space has been invaded by a complete stranger. It can help a great deal to know what to do ahead of time if you are ever in that situation.

The second you think you have been robbed, the first thing you should do is call the police! If you call the police immediately the burglar could still be nearby and there is more of a chance of you getting your stuff back. Remembering details about the person who broke in can help a lot too, that’s if you actually saw the intruder; try to recall information such as their age, clothing and race. Finally, don’t move anything in your home until the police arrive, they need to see exactly what they’re dealing with.

The next step to take is to find out where the burglar broke in; whether it is your door or window make sure it is locked and secured properly in case someone comes back again. A good idea would be to get a home security system installed, if a burglar sees a security camera or an alarm it can scare them off. Another important step is to inform your neighbours, they can keep an eye on your home when you are away and be aware that they might be targeted next, the more people aware that there has been a break in, the better.

It’s not fun to be a victim of a robbery and it can bring up a lot of emotions, it’s horrifying to know a stranger has intruded your personal space. The best thing to do if you ever find yourself in this situation is to take some time off, get everything sorted out and relax. 

Written By: Christine Romans

Holiday Security Checklist

Leaving your home empty while you go on holiday can make your house an easy target for burglars. Imagine coming home from your amazing holiday and discovering your home has been broken into and your possessions stolen. There are some precautions you can add to your checklist to avoid this happening to you.

  ü  First of all make sure to test your home alarm system before you leave for your holiday, don’t leave it for the last minute.

  ü  Tell your neighbours that you are leaving so they can keep an eye on your property or get a friend or       relative to house-sit while you are away. They can also check your post box and open and close your curtains regularly.

  ü  Consider purchasing some timer switches, you can set them to turn on your lights or a radio at certain times so it creates the illusion that someone is home.

  ü  Don’t advertise to everyone that you are going away, try not to post about it on Facebook or other     social media, the wrong people might see and it can make it easy for them to plan a burglary.

Being a victim of a crime while you are on holiday can completely spoil your time away, make sure your home is safe and secure, this can give you complete peace of mind and let you enjoy your holiday.

Written By: Christine Romans

The Pros & Cons of Having an Electric Fence

The main purpose of having an electric fence is protection, it is made specifically to protect your property and keep out unwanted visitors, but sometimes it can be really dangerous for children or pets.  

The one major disadvantage about having an electric fence is that it could be a hazard; small children or pets may not understand the danger of touching or climbing on the fence and this could lead to them injuring themselves quite badly. If you do have children or a pet you need to train them fully and make sure they know the dangers. Another disadvantage is the risk of starting a fire, if your electric fence is close to bushes or trees make sure to trim them back and clear the area completely.

Compared to the disadvantages there are quite a few advantages about having an electric fence. It proves to be extremely effective in keeping out people who want to burgle, vandalize or trespass on your property – no one wants to get an electric high voltage shock! If an intruder does come into contact with the fence it will set off an alarm that can be sent to the security company monitoring the system. Electric fences are also relatively cheap, easy to construct and they require minimal maintenance.

It is important to study the advantages and disadvantages thoroughly before deciding if you want an electric fence or not, it can be a real shock(pun intended) if you make the wrong decision. 

Written By: Christine Romans

Tuesday 2 September 2014

How to Choose a Good Alarm System

There is always a wide selection of different security systems to choose from, each have features unlike their competitors, so when you’re choosing an alarm system here are a few steps to follow:

  • Think long and hard about what kind of alarm system you need, you need to consider what your lifestyle is like and what you can afford.  Also think carefully about whether to get a wired or wireless system, there are many pros and cons to examine.

  • Decide if you want a company to monitor your system or if you want to monitor the system yourself. Choosing to have a company monitor your system could be very beneficial to you, because if there is a problem the central system monitoring automatically notifies the alarm company, this ensures the reaction time is quick and other emergency personnel can be notified.

  • Do your research and find out from family and friends which alarm system they would recommend. Asking questions and getting advice from actual customers is the best way to find out the good and the bad about the alarm systems.

  • Lastly, once you have decided on an alarm system make sure to talk to a security specialist about installing the system. Someone who is a specialist can suggest other recommendations for you and teach you and your family how to operate the system efficiently.

It’s always worth it in the end to take time to contemplate and think carefully about what alarm system to choose, you need to know you have a good system protecting you and your loved ones.

Written By: Christine Romans