Friday 13 March 2015

Smart safes for your sidearm

If you own a firearm of any kind, it needs to be locked up any time it’s not being used! With items as dangerous and as costly as firearms, its best to keep them as secure as possible. Gun safes have been around for many years, but only recently have they been integrated with technology. You should invest in a safe for your firearm to make sure it doesn't fall into the wrong hands.

Why you need a safe for your firearm
A safe may very likely keep your firearms secure from break-ins or house fires. Since they are both expensive and desirable, firearms are one of the most common possessions stolen from homes. That being said, if you don’t lock them up, you’re almost asking them to be stolen. A gun safe will also help keep your firearms out of the hands of children.

Why get a smart safe?
When it comes to gun safes, you want the best, most advanced safe you can possibly find. This will help keep your guns out of the wrong hands – but did you know that you could get a “smart safe”? Smart safe’s can be linked to your Smart Home security system and react to your home’s security system. Smart safes can often be accessed from your smartphone. The purpose a smart safe is to keep intruders preoccupied long enough when they try break into the safe for the authorities to arrive.

Types of smart safes
There are many different types of smart safes to choose from and each of these safes have different capabilities and features. Because of the variety of options, you’ll need to sift through them to find the one that’s right for you and your home. Not all smart safes can connect to your home security; however, many have a fingerprint scanner, RFID capabilities and biometric technology. These safes can be customized and programmed to work in certain ways and they will do the best at helping to keep your weapons safe. Here are some safes and safe resources to consider:
- GunBox
- Inprint
- GunSafeStore

What to look for in a safe
If you've never shopped for a gun safe before, or you need to upgrade and don’t know where to start, there are a few things you need to do. If you find a well-reviewed safe, it’s probably a good choice for you. Another good thing to do would be to talk with someone at a place that sells or makes gun safes. Ask them what kind of gun safe they own and why. Expert opinion is one of the best ways to find out if something is worth buying.

Gun ownership is a BIG responsibility and one of those responsibilities includes gun storage. Getting a safe is not only a great idea, but it is also a necessity. 

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Written By: Christine Romans

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