Wednesday 18 March 2015

How to build a safer home

Are you building a home? Or thinking of building one in the future? Well, if you answered yes then you have the rare opportunity to combine high-level security into the overall design right from the beginning. Here are some of the security measures you can build into your dream home, starting from the outside in.

1. Guard the Exterior

There are certain parts of a home’s exterior that are more vulnerable to burglary. You should always plan the outside of your home first to deter intruders…

- Create a Barrier: A fence or a gate is a great way to create a physical barrier for potential intruders. When you pick out fencing, keep in mind that height plays a big role in the level of security offered. If you get a high fence, remember that it will actually shield the intruder as they approach your home. A shorter fence will create a barrier while keeping the visibility.
- Optimize Landscaping: An intruder’s main goal is to look for a home with easy access points. It is a good idea to place pot plants and shrubs strategically to deter criminals and add an extra layer of defense. Thorn bushes can actually act as nature’s barbed wire!
- Shed Some Light: A burglar wants to get in and out quickly without being seen, so when you are planning your new home, be sure to include outdoor lighting. Always make sure to have timed and manual lights, and consider security lights that activate on motion. They will often scare criminals away.

2. Secure Potential Entryways

Most doorways are based on style, curb appeal and efficiency, but another feature you should look for is durability. All doors should be thick and resilient to prevent someone from entering. Some other common entry points are your windows, basements, garage and crawl spaces. To protect yourself and your family, install burglar bars and invest in keyed locks.

3. Plan your Home’s Interior

When you are designing your floor plan, keep safety in mind. It is best to have concealed storage places for expensive items, gadgets and money. TV armoires may not be your style, but they do a great job at keeping your expensive items neatly out of sight. Finally, install a video surveillance solution and have complete peace of mind that your home is safe even when you are not there.

Have you thought about optimizing your new home for security? 

Contact SIS - Security & Investigation Services today! they can provide you with a variety of home security and business services. 

Written By: Christine Romans

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