Monday 30 March 2015

3 factors leading to smart home growth

Do you often worry about whether you turned the lights off before leaving the house or if you remembered to lock the door? What if there was a way to eliminate all those worries with the press of a button? Here are three in-demand factors that have increased home automation system demand…

Increase Security Measures
It’s crucial to have protection for yourself, your family and your personal assets. With a home automation system you can safeguard your home anytime, anywhere! Smart home security is becoming incredibly popular because it provides remote access to your house even when you are not there. Control and monitor features, such as:

- Alarm panels
- Camera capabilities
- Carbon monoxide and smoke detectors
- Door and window locks
- Garage door openers
- Motion detectors

Alerts can be sent to you directly if there is suspicious activity or if alarms are triggered. Also, pre-set schedules can be programmed to arm or disarm security features at specific time intervals or when certain events occur.

Live a More Convenient Life
Wouldn't it be nice if you could have the perfect temperature set and ready when you arrive home? With geo fencing capabilities, you can control specific preferences such as adjusting home temperature, turning on and off lights and opening your garage door. Automation features activated once your smartphone reaches a certain proximity to your home, providing you with effortless comfort.

It is estimated that by 2017 there will be 36 million smart home units and convenience capabilities will only increase. Home automation companies strive to create systems that are not only tailored to consumers’ lifestyles, but also implemented in seamless, unnoticeable ways.

Save Energy
The average person spends a huge amount of money each year on energy costs. With the installation of a home system you can conserve electricity at your own convenience. Some household appliances that can be controlled remotely and/or automated to eliminate unnecessary energy usage are:

- Light fixtures
- Refrigerators
- Robot cleaners
- Thermostats
- Washers and dryers

The need for energy-efficient solutions is becoming a sought-after factor by homeowners. Would you buy a home automation system? 

SIS - Security & Investigation Services can provide you with the best professional home security system in Cape Town. They can provide you with anything from general guarding and farm protection to CCTV off site and alarm monitoring.

Written By: Christine Romans

Friday 27 March 2015

4 ways you can save money by saving energy

You’re wasting energy now and you don’t even know it. While sitting on your phone or computer you've let energy go to waste/ that’s right, by doing nothing your home is quietly letting energy and your hard-earned money go down the drain.

Saving money and energy is not as hard as you may think; here are four easy ways to save money by conserving energy…

Turn it down
Whether it’s your thermostat or water heater, adjusting the temperature down can shave off a lot of money each month. That can add up to big savings!

Plug it up
Make sure your home is tight, and I don’t mean styling! Make sure there’s no ways for air to leak out of windows or doors.

Use a switch
Gadgets and devices around your home that stay plugged in slowly drain energy. Use a lamp module will give you automation technology, but also cuts off this energy loss.

Go renewable
Getting solar panels is cheaper than ever. Using wind or geothermal energy is a good alternative as well. Using these technologies in your home could bring your energy costs to 0!

There you have it, four quick and easy ways you can stop wasting energy and save money today!

Contact SIS - Security & Investigation Services today for a reliable, affordable home security system. They offer anything from general guarding to CCTV off site and alarm monitoring.

Written By: Christine Romans

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Backyard pool safety tips

With the warm temperatures outside, it’s great to be able to cool off in the pool. If you own a pool or you’re visiting friends or family with a pool, always keep safety in mind! Accidents can happen suddenly and unexpectedly, so make sure to follow these simple safety tips…

When you ARE NOT using your pool, follow these guidelines:

- Secure your pool with a high barrier. A fence or gate with a latch is best. Make sure the latch is closed completely and locked when out of the pool area.
- Keep the pool covered. A hard cover will prevent anyone from climbing into the water without supervision. You should also remove ladders or steps.
- Install an alarm. You may want to consider installing an alarm or video surveillance around your pool. You can set up notifications, so that when you aren't at the pool, you’ll be notified is motion is detected there.
- Ensure that lawn chairs and tables are kept away from the fence around the pool. This is keep children from trying to climb over the fence.
- Teach your kids how to swim. Even though it doesn't always prevent accidents, everyone should know how to swim well.
- Establish clear rules. Make sure children know to never enter the pool area without adult supervision.

When you ARE using your pool, follow these guidelines:

- Supervise children at all times. Small children should always be in arms reach of an adult.
- Establish a buddy system. Never allow anyone to swim alone.
- Keep water clear. Make sure you maintain the proper chemical levels, filtration and circulation in your pool.
- Have lifesaving equipment ready at all times. Make sure all adults know how to use the equipment in case of an emergency.
- Pay attention. When supervising children at the pool, keep distractions at a minimum. Keep an eye on the children at all times.

Swimming is great for the whole family, especially when the weather is unbearable, but always make sure to keep these tips in mind and ensure everyone is safe and secure. 

Contact SIS - Security & Investigation Services for a professional company that prides themselves on protecting you, your home or your business.

Written By: Christine Romans

Friday 20 March 2015

Choosing the best lock for your home

It may seem like an easy item to check off your to-do list, but choosing a lock to protect your home is a very important decision. There are many different types of door locks, but not all locks are created equally. In fact many can be compromised with just a little skill, study each of these features to ensure your lock is safe and secure:

  §  The bolt. Make sure the bolt extends at least one inch into the door jamb; this will help keep the door secure if it is kicked or hit violently. The bolt should also have a hardened, free-spinning steel pin, which makes the bolt more saw-proof. Locks with a six-pin keying system are also more difficult to pick than a five-pin system.

  §  The strike plate. This is a metal piece that is mounted inside of the door frame that holds the bolt. It would be ideal if it was made of heavy-gauge steel or brass and should come with screws that are at least three inches long to securely fit it to the door frame.

  §  The plug. Both the plug (the part that the key turns) and the cylinder (surrounds the plug) should be make of forged solid brass. Avoid any locks that use brass-plated zinc, which is softer and easier to destroy.

  §  The housing. Choose a lock with housing that attaches to the door, rather than sitting on the surface of it. This will prevent a burglar from simply sheering off the deadbolt.

  §  The door. Sliding doors are a favourite target for burglars since they often have a lock on just the handles that can be easily defeated. Add an auxiliary lock with a steel bolt that attaches to the door frame, rather than another sliding panel, to prevent horizontal and vertical movement.

It’s also important to remember that home door locks should just be one component of your security system, you should still invest in a security system for your home or business.

Contact SIS - Security & Investigation Services for a reliable security system for your home or business. we can offer anything from general guarding to CCTV off site and alarm monitoring.

Written By: Christine Romans

Wednesday 18 March 2015

How to build a safer home

Are you building a home? Or thinking of building one in the future? Well, if you answered yes then you have the rare opportunity to combine high-level security into the overall design right from the beginning. Here are some of the security measures you can build into your dream home, starting from the outside in.

1. Guard the Exterior

There are certain parts of a home’s exterior that are more vulnerable to burglary. You should always plan the outside of your home first to deter intruders…

- Create a Barrier: A fence or a gate is a great way to create a physical barrier for potential intruders. When you pick out fencing, keep in mind that height plays a big role in the level of security offered. If you get a high fence, remember that it will actually shield the intruder as they approach your home. A shorter fence will create a barrier while keeping the visibility.
- Optimize Landscaping: An intruder’s main goal is to look for a home with easy access points. It is a good idea to place pot plants and shrubs strategically to deter criminals and add an extra layer of defense. Thorn bushes can actually act as nature’s barbed wire!
- Shed Some Light: A burglar wants to get in and out quickly without being seen, so when you are planning your new home, be sure to include outdoor lighting. Always make sure to have timed and manual lights, and consider security lights that activate on motion. They will often scare criminals away.

2. Secure Potential Entryways

Most doorways are based on style, curb appeal and efficiency, but another feature you should look for is durability. All doors should be thick and resilient to prevent someone from entering. Some other common entry points are your windows, basements, garage and crawl spaces. To protect yourself and your family, install burglar bars and invest in keyed locks.

3. Plan your Home’s Interior

When you are designing your floor plan, keep safety in mind. It is best to have concealed storage places for expensive items, gadgets and money. TV armoires may not be your style, but they do a great job at keeping your expensive items neatly out of sight. Finally, install a video surveillance solution and have complete peace of mind that your home is safe even when you are not there.

Have you thought about optimizing your new home for security? 

Contact SIS - Security & Investigation Services today! they can provide you with a variety of home security and business services. 

Written By: Christine Romans

Tuesday 17 March 2015

3 reasons why you should hire an alarm company

Maybe you've had the horrible experience of being involved in a home robbery, or perhaps your family and friends have told you about how terrifying it can be. Some of us can barely sleep at night because of the anxiety of one actually happening can cause. Whatever the case may be, choosing a home security company can provide you with complete peace of mind.

1. Preventative Measures
Even if you take all the precautions in the world, a break still could happen. However there is a way to avoid it, by having services from SIS – Security &Investigation Services, you can significantly lower the risk. When criminals are scanning for a house to break into, they are often looking for easy access. If you have an alarm system, they will steer clear of your home knowing that if they break in it will cause trouble. Make sure you have stickers and signs on your windows and in your yard so people know of the system that you have.

 2. Watching When You’re Away
Depending on the features that you have with your systems, you may be able to monitor your property when you are away from home. You can tap into cameras that let you know what is going on inside and outside your house. By doing this, you can see in advance if trouble is brewing and alert the police or proper authorities.

3. Individualised Plans for you
On top of having an alarm system, you can also personlise the system to your specific needs. For example, you might want to add a smoke detector or carbon monoxide detector onto your system. Even if you already have these features in your home, you can have them connected to the alarm system for even more protection. Make sure to work with the service professionals so they can help you determine the right plan for your home.

Keep these reasons in mind next time you tell yourself you don’t need an alarm system, it is best to install a home alarm system as soon as possible to avoid being involved in a home break-in  or any other traumatic event.

For all your home security needs, contact SIS - Security & Investigation Services. They can supply you with anything from general guarding and farm protection to CCTV off site and alarm monitoring.

Written By: Christine Romans

Friday 13 March 2015

Smart safes for your sidearm

If you own a firearm of any kind, it needs to be locked up any time it’s not being used! With items as dangerous and as costly as firearms, its best to keep them as secure as possible. Gun safes have been around for many years, but only recently have they been integrated with technology. You should invest in a safe for your firearm to make sure it doesn't fall into the wrong hands.

Why you need a safe for your firearm
A safe may very likely keep your firearms secure from break-ins or house fires. Since they are both expensive and desirable, firearms are one of the most common possessions stolen from homes. That being said, if you don’t lock them up, you’re almost asking them to be stolen. A gun safe will also help keep your firearms out of the hands of children.

Why get a smart safe?
When it comes to gun safes, you want the best, most advanced safe you can possibly find. This will help keep your guns out of the wrong hands – but did you know that you could get a “smart safe”? Smart safe’s can be linked to your Smart Home security system and react to your home’s security system. Smart safes can often be accessed from your smartphone. The purpose a smart safe is to keep intruders preoccupied long enough when they try break into the safe for the authorities to arrive.

Types of smart safes
There are many different types of smart safes to choose from and each of these safes have different capabilities and features. Because of the variety of options, you’ll need to sift through them to find the one that’s right for you and your home. Not all smart safes can connect to your home security; however, many have a fingerprint scanner, RFID capabilities and biometric technology. These safes can be customized and programmed to work in certain ways and they will do the best at helping to keep your weapons safe. Here are some safes and safe resources to consider:
- GunBox
- Inprint
- GunSafeStore

What to look for in a safe
If you've never shopped for a gun safe before, or you need to upgrade and don’t know where to start, there are a few things you need to do. If you find a well-reviewed safe, it’s probably a good choice for you. Another good thing to do would be to talk with someone at a place that sells or makes gun safes. Ask them what kind of gun safe they own and why. Expert opinion is one of the best ways to find out if something is worth buying.

Gun ownership is a BIG responsibility and one of those responsibilities includes gun storage. Getting a safe is not only a great idea, but it is also a necessity. 

Contact SIS - Security & Investigation Services for a wide variety of different security services, from general guarding and farm protection to CCTV off site and alarm monitoring.

Written By: Christine Romans

Thursday 12 March 2015

Misconceptions about daytime home safety and how to fix them

Keeping your home secure and safe requires around-the-clock effort. While many homeowners focus on securing their home during the night and while they are travelling, it is also important to focus on daytime security. There are a few misconceptions shared by many homeowners and it is important to identify and get rid of them for maximum benefit in your home.

Criminals do not break in during the day…
Many homeowners unfortunately believe that criminals will not break into their home during the daytime due to the increased visibility the daylight provides. However these are prime hours for break-ins as this is the time when many people are away at work. Securing your home with an alarm system from SIS – Security & Investigation Services is a great way to protect your home around the clock.

Homes with strong locks are secure…
Not all locks are created the same, and some homeowners who have already invested in stronger locks feel that their homes are as secure as they need to be. Some locks are indeed more difficult for criminals to break into, but the efforts and techniques of criminals generally catch up to the most modern locks. Working with SIS – Security & Investigation Services for monitoring service can protect your home more securely.

Your neighbours will keep an eye on your home…
Some homeowners believe that their neighbours will keep an eye on their homes. This is particularly true in areas where the resident has lived for a lengthy period of time and when the resident knows that at least one or more neighbours are at home during the day. However, these individuals do not spend their free time monitoring your home and they may not even spend time outdoors or looking out the window. A better idea is to invest in a home security system so that you can put the security of your home in the hands of professionals.

While it is easy to believe that your home is safe and secure when the sun is out, this is actually not the case. Investing in a security system will help you to keep your home secure throughout the day and night.

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Are you getting enough from your home security?

Do you need a new home security solution or is the one you have working for you? This is a question many families across the country ask themselves; and it can sometimes be difficult to determine whether you need upgrades or not.

On the outside, your home security may appear to be just fine. After all, all your equipment is working just fine, right? What many folks don’t know are that there may be some underlying vulnerabilities that aren't noticeable.

Here’s how to tell if your home security solutions need an upgrade…

For all your home security needs, contact SIS - Security & Investigation Services. They can offer you a wide variety of services, from general guarding and farm protection to CCTV off site and alarm monitoring.

Written By: Christine Romans

Monday 9 March 2015

Where should you hide you spare key?

Whether it’s under a mat, a pot, a garden gnome or on the molding above a door or window, we all know someone who hides a key outside. Spare keys are often left outside in case kids get locked out after school, or if someone loses their keys. Either way, it seems as though some homeowners believe hiding a key from plain sight will outsmart a burglar.

This is not the case, any place you might think to hide a key outside, you average burglar has probably already thought of it too! So don’t make it easier for them to break in… never leave a key outside, no matter how well you think you've hidden it.

Hiding a spare key under a mat or a rock outside is never a good idea – no matter how safe your neighbourhood might seem. You might as well be welcoming a burglar into your home because the first place they’ll look is under the doormat or in a flower pot. Some people may insist on hiding a key outside though, but remember, paying a locksmith is much cheaper than replacing all your stuff after a burglary. So if you must have a spare key hidden somewhere outside, here’s what you want to avoid more than anything…

- Never put your name, number, address or any other personal information on a key. If you were ever to lose this key, a thief would not have a hard time tracing the key straight back to your home. Now, this means someone has complete access to your home! If you do ever end up losing your key, get the lock changed immediately.

- Never hide your spare key in your wallet. I know it may seem like a great idea to tuck a spare key in the fold of your wallet. However, think about this: What if someone steals your wallet? They have your home address and the spare key to get inside your house – this is a burglars dream come true!

- Never advertise the fact that you've chosen to hide a key outside your home. If you do this and tell someone about it, then change it up. But seriously try to avoid putting your spare key anywhere outside your house (that fake rock in the garden isn't fooling anyone), plus, someone could also see you retrieve the key at some point which gives away your hiding place.

Instead of hiding your key under the mat or in the other obvious places, consider the following suggestions for a safer place to keep your spare key…

- A programmable door lock is by far the safest way to get rid of the need for a spare key. With a programmable lock, you no longer need a key. You’ll be able to program different codes for different users as well as lock and unlock your door straight from your phone. If you don’t like the idea of getting rid of keys all together, some programmable locks have a key option for those of you who would prefer to keep a traditional key.

- You could also put your spare key into a combination lockbox and hide that somewhere outside.

- One of the best options if you’re someone who loses their keys regularly is to keep a spare with a trusted neighbour or a nearby family member. Discuss a plan of action with your child in case they become locked out (like walking to a neighbours house for help).

Some neighbourhoods are generally safer than others, and how you protect your home can be a matter of preference and affordability. Spare keys are both handy and hazardous and should always be used with caution. Today’s technology provides you with simple and affordable alternatives to a hidden key.

For all your home and business security needs, contact SIS - Security & Investigation Services. They can offer you a variety of different services from general guarding to CCTV off site and alarm monitoring.

Written By: Christine Romans

Friday 6 March 2015

4 signs you’re overlooking your home security

Many of us who have a home security system know that it monitors windows and doors and sets off an alarm when either is opened. What we forget is that there are various vital aspects linked to a home security system that actually make your home more vulnerable. Even with the latest home security gadgets of today’s tech, companies are still well aware of these factors. Here are the signs that you may be overlooking your home security:

   è You’re not arming your alarm system
An alarm system should always be armed, if not – it won’t function! You can prevent missing this crucial step by placing your system on a schedule, or by installing a remote access system.

   è You’re not monitoring everything you can
Home security systems are basically rigged to alert a homeowner if someone attempts to break into their home. However, other things should be monitored as well! Make certain your home security system comes with everything you may need for your home, like a fire alarm, carbon monoxide monitor and moisture monitor if you live in a flood prone area.

   è You’re allowing for points of entry
Many home security systems supervise ground-level doors and windows. However, you need to protect and monitor each point of entry into your home including higher floor levels. Any opening that is large enough for a person to fit through is a possible break in point.

   è Low batteries
Always be sure your batteries are fresh and are replaced before they stop working. Luckily, most home alarm system has a warning system in place that alerts you when batteries are getting low.

With minimal amount of effort, you can considerably improve the efficiency of your home security system. For a professional home security system contact SIS – Security& Investigation Services, they can help evade frequent mistakes that lead to home invasions.

Thursday 5 March 2015

Tech tools to secure your apartment

Living in an apartment can have its advantages. For starters your apartment building may already have some type of security system already installed. However, sometimes the buildings security system isn’t enough. You can make your apartment secure and high-tech at the same time, here are five tech tools you can use…

This isn't the security device you were thinking of, but don’t write it off just yet! Water damage can cost you big bucks to repair, so catching small leaks early is the best method to prevent disaster. Place one of these moisture sensors near your pipes in the bathroom or kitchen and if any unusual moisture is detected, you’ll be alerted immediately.

The Withings Home is an HD camera with environmental sensors that can detect both motion and sound. Whether it is a baby crying in the next room or someone attempting to break in, this device will pick up almost any activity.

This device isn't available for everyone just yet, but according to the preview video, the setup only takes about two minutes – making this one of the easiest security systems to use. The first step is to plug the system into your internet router, then place the sensors in the corner of any doors and windows. If the sensors are tripped you will be alerted via smartphone.

The IZON gives you the ability to watch what’s happening in your apartment even when you’re not there. This is especially important for people who live in apartments where they’re not the only person with a key. Anyone who works for the apartment complex can potentially get the keys to your place like the repairman or landlord. The IZON Video Monitor allows you to see who has come and gone.

If you’re looking for a camera with a wide range of coverage, then the Netgear Arlo Security Camera might be just right for you! It is completely wireless and can be secured on walls, ceilings or even hidden behind furniture. The Netgear Arlo is also weatherproof and has night vision, making it an ideal outdoor camera too.

Installing a home security system in your apartment is a bit more difficult than installing one in a house. So, it’s best to pick security devices that can be easily installed and moved!

For all your home security needs, contact SIS - Security & Investigation Services. We can offer you anything from general guarding and farm protection to CCTV off site and alarm monitoring.

Written By: Christine Romans

Wednesday 4 March 2015

3 ways to use your security system to protect your children

Your security alarm system means many things to you – a safe and secure house, peaceful sleep at night and you always know your family is always safe. With a home security system you can feel rest assured knowing that your kids are where they are supposed to be, and not getting into things they shouldn't. Here are three tips to help you get the most of your home security system and protect your family…

Use your door sensors
Your entry sensors can be used for a wide variety of things. Many assume that they are just for doors and windows to alert you if someone is burglarizing your home, but they can also be used to alert you when someone is entering somewhere they’re not supposed to. You can use an entry sensor on a door to the pool to make sure your little one doesn't wander out unsupervised. As soon as the door opens you’ll hear a siren or an alert! You can also use the door sensors to keep your children out of your medicine cabinet and away from chemicals under the sink, or on a gun safe to prevent a dangerous situation.

Entry sensors give you control
Entry sensors work well to keep tabs on your kids. Whether you want to know how many times your five-year-old gets up at night or when your teenager is trying to get into the liquor cabinet. If you have “secret alerts” you will receive all this knowledge quickly via text message or email. The great thing about secret alerts is that there is no siren, so your kids will never know that you know!

Personal Pins
With some home security systems you can create a personal identification number for each member of the household! This way you’ll always know when each person comes home; to make sure they are safe and sound. To turn off the system the person will need to enter their own personal pin on the keypad, this way you can tell when your teenager is past their curfew.

Using your home security system in creative ways is a great way to protect you and your loved ones. There is no end to how you can use your alarm system!

For all your security needs, contact SIS - Security & Investigation Services. They can offer you anything from general guarding to CCTV off site and alarm monitoring.

Written By: Christine Romans

Monday 2 March 2015

Four routines for a safe home

Do you ever rush to make it to work on time and forget to lock your back door? Have you ever had that sinking feeling that you may have left your garage door open all day? We make home security mistakes all the time, but it does not need to be that way. If you just take 5 minutes of your time, you’ll be able to secure your home properly. Here is a quick guide.

     1.       Now that the weather is really hot, go from room to room and give your windows a quick check. Make sure that windows are locked and do not appear to be tampered with. Be sure to lock windows on second floors as well; burglars have been known to use ladders in order to access second story windows.

     2.       Be sure that outside items are picked up and put away. It may be ridiculous, but some of the most common items stolen from a home are children’s outside toys and lawn furniture left outside for extended periods. Criminals who are looking to make a quick score will grab high dollar bicycles, squirt guns, braai grills, pool equipment and so much more. These items are then sold for money, it’s not exactly the crime of the century, but some criminal’s specifically look for these items as they know the police are not going to put much effort into finding the culprit.

     3.       Make sure security cameras, fire alarms, carbon monoxide detectors and gas detectors are working, if you’re not sure how get a professional from a home security company like SIS – Safety& Investigation Services to check for you. You’re probably wondering how this relates to your home getting broken into. These items relate directly to the safety and security of your home and family, we’re not suggesting you check these items every time you leave, but you should check them throughout the year.

     4.       Last, but not least, make sure you turn off your oven and the iron! Seriously, leaving these two items on has become quite a cliché. However you might be shocked to learn of the high number of home fires which occur each year due to the unsafe use of these items and others like them.

Some of the items do not have to be performed before you leave your home every day, but you should always keep them in mind and try and fit them into your routine. Pick and choose what works best for you and your living situation.

Written By: Christine Romans