Tuesday 3 February 2015

Four secrets to improving your home security

Many homeowners don’t take security precautions, it’s understandable not everyone remembers or they just assume they won’t be a victim of a crime, but you need to realise that securing your home is extremely
important. Read these four secrets and keep them in mind if you want to improve your home security…

Bolster Your Doorways
While having locks on your doors will stop people from simply walking in, they won’t stop a determined thief who is willing to use brute force. Every outside door on your house should have at least two locks, and for the best protection install a deadbolt near the top and another one at the bottom.

Don’t Tempt Burglars
Even if your home has no sign of any valuables inside, it will still often be burglarized. This doesn't mean that you can’t try and look at things from a burglar’s point of view and get rid of any temptations. There are a few ways to do this, firstly make sure to move any valuable items away from the windows. You should also use caution when bringing expensive items home, don’t unload them in plain view of the whole neighbourhood and be sure to dispose of the packaging properly.

Illuminate Import Spots
Burglars tend to steer towards darkened entry ways or obscured windows so they can get into your home without being seen. A few lights placed in the right places will stop them from doing this. All of your doorways should be lit up at night, if it’s too much of a hassle to turn them on and off put them on an automated timer or get motion sensor lights.

Stop Burglars the High-tech Way
If you have a modern alarm system, it should make things incredibly difficult for burglars. Your security devices should be set up in layers so that there are many chances to catch them in the act. Since most alarm systems can send a message to law enforcement immediately, the burglars will be caught or scared away in mere minutes.

For a professional, reliable home security system contact SIS - Security & Investigation Services. They can provide you with a wide variety of services from general guarding and farm protection to CCTV off site and alarm monitoring.

Written By: Christine Romans

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