Monday 19 January 2015

How to keep your home cool in summer

Let’s cut to the chase – it’s extremely hot and it doesn't look like it’s going to cool down for a while. It’s so tempting to turn the AC on the whole day or just plonk yourself right in front of the fan, but those aren't the only tricks for keeping cool this summer.

1. Keep your blinds closed. As simple as it may seem, some people don’t think to do this. 30% of unwanted heat comes from your windows, if you simply utilize your shades, curtains and blinds you can lower the temperature inside your house by a lot!

2. Be smart about your doors. Closing off unused rooms will prevent cool air from going into these areas during the hottest parts of the day. However when there are cooler nights you’ll want to let air flow naturally through your home.

 3. Swap your sheets. Not only does swapping your bedding seasonally freshen up your room, it’s also a great way to keep your bedroom cool. Cotton sheets are cooler in summer because it breathes easier and stays cooler and as an added bonus try to buy yourself a buckwheat pillow or two, they won’t hold onto your body head like normal pillows.

4. Set your ceiling fans to rotate counter clockwise. Whether you know it or not your ceiling fan needs to be adjusted when the hot months arrive. By setting them counterclockwise in summer at a higher speed, the airflow produced will create a wind-chill breeze effect that will make you feel much cooler.

5. Worry about the person, not the house. If the cavemen survived without air conditioning, I’m sure you can too! Cool yourself from the inside out by sipping on ice cold drinks or apply a cold cloth to your neck or wrist, also try to be smart about your clothing choices.

6. Let the night air in. temperatures tend to drop during the night (sometimes). If this is the case then make the most of those refreshing hours and  crack open your windows before you go to bed, just be sure to close the windows and blinds before the morning heat.

7. Start braaing. It’s obvious, but it needs to be said anyway: using your oven or stove in the summer will make your house hotter than it already is. If it already feelings like 100 degrees in your home, the last thing you want to do is turn on the oven, besides what could be better than a nice braai in the summer heat.

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Written By: Christine Romans

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