Monday 1 December 2014

The best times to buy a home security system

So when is the best time to buy a home security system? You might think you know the answer: when you buy a home or move into a new place, but there isn't one right answer to that question. Here are some of the best times for you to get busy installing your home security system…

*You just moved*
You've just moved into a new flat or apartment, you have a van full of your most important possessions sitting right outside for the whole world to see. Whenever you move, everything you own is right out in the open, and anyone can take a quick peek.

There’s a myth that home security systems aren't an option for you if you’re renting a place, this isn't true at all. Gone are the days of drilling holes in walls just to install your security system, many security systems are specially designed for people who rent apartments or flats.

*You just bought really nice equipment*
The whole neighbourhood officially knows about your brand new 3D flat screen TV and your Porsche shining through your garage windows. It’s okay, it’s natural to want to show off your new stuff to your friends and neighbours, it’s horrible to have to live in fear of someone knowing you've got them and then stealing them.

While you’re busy showing off your new equipment why not show off your fancy home security system too, that way word will spread that no one should attempt to burgle your home. Keep in mind that its also a good idea to take extra precautions and cut up the boxes from your new toys before you place them outside your home by the bin.

*You’re going on vacation*
It’s the festive season, so why would you want to spend your whole holiday worrying about if someone has broken into your home or not? That one Facebook picture of you relaxing on the beach in Miami could be all it takes to convince a burglar to get up and take advantage of your unprotected home.

Majority of burglaries take place when no one is home and when your one vacation this means an even longer period of time when no one is checking in. there is one simple solution – get a home security system! An alarm system and an alarm monitoring service and you’ll know about anything that happens while you’re enjoying your holiday.

*You've got a new roommate*
A new roomie can come with a lot of interesting baggage: forgetting to lock the door or a crazy ex-lover. So even if you are super careful with your security, that doesn't mean that your new roomie will be too. Getting a home security system will help to remind your roommate, plus you can always be in control of your flat or apartment from wherever you are.

Always remember that your roommate is new so make sure to inform them about services and visitors - they won’t know that you don’t have a monthly carpet cleaner coming in and could let in a potential burglar. 

You don’t need to sit and wait for the “right time”? The truth is the best time to get a home security system is before you need it. Not after your house has been burgled, you never know what could happen. Getting a home security system is like wearing a seat belt in your car, chances are you’re not going to crash, but wearing it will make sure you are protected if you do. So if you’re driving through life always make sure to wear the seatbelt that is your home security system, and put it on before you have an accident!

For all your home security services contact SIS - Security & Investigation Services, they over a wide variety of services ranging from CCTV off site and alarm monitoring to general guarding and farm protection. 

Written By: Christine Romans

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